Vegetation catalogues & monitoring
Vegetation map
Know your resources
per hectare -
All features of Base-map standard
Land Coverage determination through on farm visits
Printed A0 wall farm-map
Effective grazeable area
Optimum stocking-rate determination
Pasture and land monitoring
Update your resources inventory
per hectare -
Monitor your lands to meet your regenerative/organic certifications requirements
Update condition of grasslands
Early identification of weeds encroachment and other problem areas
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Requires having a Vegetation map
Getting there with
Detailed analysis
Producing a vegetation map involves a considerable amount of work.
This is achieved through a combination of an on-farm survey and a detailed analysis of visual satellite/drone Imagery, IR/false color satellite imagery, BioStat analysis and georeferenced photos taken during the survey.
The combination of all this information together allows us to produce a detailed map of your property. This allows us to quantize the different vegetation catalogs existing on your land per paddock.
This type of information allows you to make better decisions on new subdivisions or relocation of existing ones. It will also allow you for a better adjustment of your stocking rates.