Base-map standard
The one that you will likely carry around when in your car
per property up to 500ha *
Farm paddocks
Farm buildings & yards
Farm and Public roads
Rivers and Lakes
A3 & A4 farm-map to print
Click Here
* 0.01/ha thereafter
Information provided by landowner or manager and enhanced by working on satellite imagery.
Information provided by landowner or manager and enhanced by working on satellite imagery.
Base-map plus
The one that will be on the table at the planning sessions
per property up to 500ha *
All features of Base-map standard
Land Topology analysis
Printed A3 wall farm-map
Effective grazeable area
Click Here
* 0.025/ha thereafter
Information provided by landowner or manager and enhanced by working on satellite imagery.
Information provided by landowner or manager and enhanced by working on satellite imagery.
Base-map advanced
Enjoy the beauty of your land over a cup of coffee
per property up to 500ha *
All features of Base-map plus
Farm MapBook in pdf format
Printed A0 wall farm-map
Fence length
Water distribution system if existent
Advanced topology analysis: slope/aspect/water trough height asl
Includes 6 month BioStat Base subscription
Click Here
* 0.05/ha thereafter
Requires an on-farm visit or as an alternative a considerable collaboration with the farm owner/manager to work on gathering the necessary information needed. This will be determined on a case by case basis.
* 0.05/ha thereafter
Requires an on-farm visit or as an alternative a considerable collaboration with the farm owner/manager to work on gathering the necessary information needed. This will be determined on a case by case basis.